Branded and Future Proofed

Wedding Event Planning

Branding Elements

Colour specs







Monsterrat, Berlishanty Calligraphy, Oswald


Business Plan

Executive Summary

We are going new levels with our online wedding planning platform.  The system is a multifunctional and user-friendly online assistance guide to help your wedding planning go smoothly with care and support.  This is a creative space for everyone to collaborate, virtually.  Whether you’re a local wedding planner.  Or juggling several projects simultaneously online.  Or your whole family and friends is helping you piece together the dream celebration.  You can all be together at the same time with our wedding event planner platform.

Password request

The Business Idea

Market overview of Global Wedding Planning market, according to our latest research, the global Wedding Planning market looks promising in the next 5 years.  As of 2023, the global Wedding Planning market was estimated at 1.2 million USD, and it’s anticipated to reach million USD in 2028, with a CAGR during this forecast years.


Point of Difference

Manaaki is our point of difference. Being a solution driven platform we are covering a multimedia channel of networks.  We collaborate with Manaaki Design developing there clients online identities and webhosting.  Supplying solutions to ensure the clients get the best quality, value and consumer experience All of our members become a valuable and creative collective life member of  

Our Services

In some cases technology comes before the wedding, this is our specialty.  Wedding planning involves extensive communication and constant follow-up with vendors and clients.  We will build online solutions for your event planning integrating communication, event guides, using visual and marketing techniques.  All products will be interactive user-friendly platforms custom designed to suit our clients needs.

Additional Services

  1.  Honeymoon Gift Card Applications.  Romantic escapes to countries like the Netherlands.
  2.  Google Pay options for a Payday Loan or credit card application process from your house.

Our Objectives

In some cases technology comes before the wedding, this is our specialty.  Wedding planning involves extensive communication and constant follow-up with vendors and clients.  We will build online solutions for your event planning integrating communication, event guides, using visual and marketing techniques.  All products will be interactive user-friendly platforms custom designed to suit our clients needs.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide the customer with creative and compelling communication with excellence in planning, prioritising skills, backup by and outstanding online address to perform the task needed to succeed.  Exist to express our passions. Attract and uphold respectful customers relations. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.

Our Mission

The keys to success are:
Practical insight
Enjoyment of the experience

Target Market Value

'Creating value for our clients'

Create innovative methods of communication for clients and their brands that create value for their big day for everyone to enjoy. The objectives include creating a competitive advantage for the
client in today’s competitive business environment that sets them apart. We design plans and implement value-creating strategies with our clients

And Quality

'Ethic and quality'

We are committed to business practices and ethical standards that best serve our clients. This commitment to integrity enhance the public understanding of the value of good design in the contemporary world. Promote the value of graphic design, and foster the creation and understanding of professional standards in the industry.

Our Promise

It's an honor to be able to share my gratitude, and to say thank you.

Aspire to be inspired was my outlook at in life.  Then I cyber meet the coolest, smartest, funniest, great looking, cyber warriors to see victory with, and that’s my team the top level success stories ‘The Super Squad Team’.  It felt good to be able to laugh without judgement of insane or isolated due to my disturbed sense of humor….. All I ever wanted to be is me, and I’ve had that back the past few months, thanks again team.

Dreams aspiring to be inspired is what I learnt and will share this quote as far as I can send it…   Welcome to home page.  Sharing’s caring we are sending the love of hosting homes across Manaaki.  I do have a question.  Why we need so many plugins…. My percentage rate dropped a few more levels today.  I love working online, the down fall is the expected reliant on templates.  My moan is done.  Before the law enforcement can be ready first thing in the morning.  Super Alien Warrior Princess will be programmed and ready for level5 or 6???  All note books grew legs, or learnt to fly.

Aroha nui, peace out, it’s gmaps time x.  I’ve got start preparing for this submerged party events x 3.