Welcome to Manaaki

Dreams aspiring to be inspired

The idea of generation future proofing is to guarantee 200 years for our children to gain the best experiences and value of life’s qualities.  For that to happen we all need to live, live together, work, work together, love, and love together before we all move onto our next journey’s.  There is one aspect for this to be able to happen and that’s what mother nature has to offer.  Which is also a massive part of manaaki’s business development and growth.  We wouldn’t be here without her.

We've only just begun​

Holding companies qualify as key stakeholders. If we personify the environment / natural capital / ecosystem services as “Mother Nature,” Mother Nature is every company’s ultimate holding company. Therefore, Mother Nature is a key stakeholder for every business. QED.

Cyberspace so far

From a creators point of view I would start by saying there are limitations to the growth of cyberspace. Making it an ideal dream for all businesses to find solutions and create there nook or property space and make it there own becoming a network of neighbors on a grand scale no one has ever seen before. It’s limitless playground with a blank canvas awaiting to be painted..

Mother nature too has her home in Cyberspace. The more she grows her network of neighbors. The more she will benefit from natural growth. Our work spaces will decrease. Our commutes will shorten. Transportation will continue to find it’s proposing solutions. We all benefit the rewards cyberspace has to offer. Adding value by creating time, finding that sense of purpose while you watch your life choices grow.

Cyberspace may just be the life saver this planet needs to continue on our legacy’s. Honoring those who too have served time her with our one and only mother nature.

Discover Incredible Landscapes

Many of us have discovered the joy, the necessity, of getting out into green spaces this year – on our own or with our families.  We’ve found that being better connected to natures means we can be more.  More healthy, more creative, more at ease.National Parks are inspirational journeys, safe places to continue that journey.  To explore more of life.


Aotearoa NZ as we stand today​

Turning on the lights.

Furthermore, 65% of New Zealanders have decided not to use an online service because of security or privacy concerns in the last year (in line with 2021).  Most businesses are visible online, but they are not necessarily actively … However, 22% of businesses are not yet confident using digital government services. 

We’ve introduced Cyberspace laws and regulations why stop.  Introducing terms and conditions to match our Cyberspace laws and regulations.

Why we love a white christmas in Canada 2024

Over the festive season, the park is also home to the world’s tallest living Christmas tree, soaring some 46 metres into the air. For the ultimate white Christmas, there really is nowhere quite like it.

Great Pianists of the New Generation

Joep Beving

“I call it ‘simple music for complex emotions’. The world is a hectic place right now and I feel a deep urge to reconnect on a basic human level with people in general. Music as our universal language has the power to unite.” Dutch composer and musician Joep Beving is a towering figure in the streaming world – and in real life too, thanks to his two-metre frame (nearly 6’10), wild hair and flowing beard. Joep’s delicate melodies instantly struck a chord with listeners. His first DG album ‘Prehension’ displays introspective, melancholy, filmic and uplifting characteristics – presented in a simple, warm acoustic atmosphere which will help soothe the soul.

Honoring the past inspiring the future

New York Yankees

We all know this team, one of the most famous and succcesful  franchises in all of sports.  The franchise began in 1901.  I’ve never watched a full game of Baseball before.  I went to a the Tuatara Men’s Baseball game once.  Great game to to be at.  I left at the 7th innings.  It must be the Softball embedded in my nature.  I need to make more of an effort towards this sport.  It’s to good to be true.



Our forests and wild life extinction is due to visit within 100years. Some of us are lucky enough to see three generations. This action requires a global effort together.

E te atua homai te rangi marie

God, grant us your peace

to aroha

your love

to kaha

your strength

to maramatanga

your understanding

No tenai ra, amene

For this day, amen

Thank you for your time and support

Super Squad Team Member